Jake and Heather
Our life and adventures – both big and small.

christmas posts

  • Christmas 2023

    This year felt quieter and calmer than those before as we’ve settled into a bit of a routine. We are still living in SLC, working our same jobs, and enjoying every new phase with Max.

  • Christmas 2022

    2022 has been a good year. We've gotten more sleep than we did during Max's newborn months, and are having so much fun with him as he grows and develops.

  • Christmas 2020

    Woah, it’s been a bizarre year! There have been many challenges this year, and our hearts go out to all of our loved ones. Like everyone, 2020 has looked different than we anticipated. We rang in the new year with hope and excitement from Abu Dhabi, UAE, camping in the Arabian desert east of Dubai. We spent a week there visiting friends, seeing amazing sites, and learning about Emirati culture. Of course we had no clue what the year would have in store for us.

  • Christmas 2018

    2018 was a bit less eventful than previous years. We are still living in the Avenues of SLC, and loving our neighborhood. We continue to love our church assignment to serve in an assisted-living care facility, and find great joy there.

  • Christmas 2017

    Well, somehow another year has passed, and 2017 is rushing to a close. We continue to enjoy life and do our best to balance hard work with plenty of fun.

  • Christmas Letter 2015

    We're glad you got our Christmas card. Last year was so busy, we didn't end up sending any out. But this year, despite finals and the regular craziness of the holidays, we made it a priority. As a side note, however, there was a slight typo in our return address. We live at 38 G Street.  The rest of the address is correct, we just forgot the street name.

  • Christmas 2013

    We saw the clock turn to midnight, starting off 2013, in an airport bus.  We were headed on an adventure to South America to hike Machu Picchu with our friends Steve & Traci.  We had a blast exploring the town of Cusco, and seeing the ancient ruins.  They were stunning!  Our travels this year also took us to Texas twice to visit Jake’s family there, to Florida for a conference with Heather’s family, and to Louisianna multiple times to visit and help Heather’s dad, and to tour New Orleans.

  • Christmas 2012

    This December may have been the craziest yet! We had final projects, papers, concerts and exams for school during the first two weeks of the month, then left for 10 days to go on a cruise to Mexico with Heather's family. Because of all of that, we just didn't get our Christmas cards out as early as we had hoped. But we were definitely thinking of you and hoping that you had a wonderful holiday season! We wanted to keep it simple this year by sending out postcards and just directing you to this site for a news report on our year. Well, here it goes...