Jake and Heather
Our life and adventures – both big and small.

T-14 days

☕️ 1 min read

6/1 - Most of our invitations are out, so everyone should be seeing them in their mailboxes soon. If we have made a mistake and overlooked sending one to you, PLEASE let us know. We mean no offense and we want to include everyone in our special day. Again, if you would like a paper invitation please see the “contact us” tab and shoot us an email or a quick phone call.

Many of you already know this, but Jake is working in Atlanta, GA this summer. He moved out there to work for Vivint at the end of April, and Heather will be joining him after the wedding. We are really excited about this adventure, but it sure is stressful! Take all of the elementsof a wedding, then add a cross-country move on top of that and you have a party. Despite the occasional melt-down, we are thrilled that the big day is getting even closer, and we can hardly stand waiting another 2 weeks.